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Talenscio Release Notes

Below you’ll find all the features included in the most recent Talenscio releases.

We're now on a code freeze for the current version of the platform as we rapidly progress towards a major update – with your business success at the centre of all our development activity.
Talenscio Laptop Pic

September 2023

Delegates screen now shows the number of correct, incorrect and max potential answers against each candidate.

All users are now able to add pronouns to their profile. Pronouns display against their name in video, chat and on the 'Meet The' pages.
Bulk user import files also include pronouns.

The candidate deletion process has been simplified. Administrators, Company Admins and Project Managers are able to use a single click delete (with confirmation) to remove the delegate name and details - replaced with anonymised data to retain centre results.

April 2023

Facilitator Role added enabling the user to view the agenda of all assessors on a centre.

There is now an option to have the video frame open automatically when a candidate enters the activity room (on full screen activities)

January 2023

User controlled accessibility modification tool added (ADA and WCAG compliant)

November 2022

The mandatory requirement has been removed as it’s not necessary to request gender for all centres.

To ensure candidates can prepare before their centre, test rooms are enabled by default for every candidate.

October 2022

When more than one assessor is assigned to a candidate within an activity block, they can all score the same candidate. Scores for the candidate will be averaged to provide the overall candidate score that is used in Dashboard reporting. Individual candidate reports (Excel and PDF) will provide the detail of specific assessor scores for that candidate.

Key buttons within the system for candidates have instructions that are displayed when the user hovers over the button.

September 2022

PDF Agenda image

Every centre created is now assigned a time zone during centre setup (default is London).

When setting up an agenda, Project Managers and Administrators can now select alternative time zones on the agenda screen to check block times in local time zones.

Users can now select their local time zone on their ‘My Details’ section to display the agenda in their local time (default is London).

Minutes can now be set for activities that are ticked to auto release (set per activity) to auto release before, on or after the time the room is set to release.

Blank = activities will not auto release

0 = release activities at the same time as the room open time.

+ ‘x’ = minutes an activity will release before the room open time.

– ‘x’ = minutes an activity will release after the room open time.
Auto release activities

When joining a room and joining the video call, assessors and candidates will see the name of the room in the top left of the video frame/window and also a count of how many are currently in the room.

Assessors can use this number to time their entry into the room.
Video - how many have joined

When a room is opened and video call joined, assessors will have (Assessor) as a suffix to their name allowing candidates/delegates to easily see who is assessing the task.
Assessor Suffix on video call

From the My Centres screen you can now click a button to open FAQs that help you navigate the Talenscio platform and get the best from the centre.
FAQ button added to My Centres Screens

Candidate welcome screen

Talenscio User Emulation

August 2022

By default, the button to Open Room or Window (to enter the video call) appears on the agenda 15 minutes before the room block start time. This can now be set, in minutes, to a time period of your choosing.

When opening the video ‘In-Frame’, e.g. by selecting ‘Open Room’, you now have the ability to move the video frame anywhere within the browser tab and to resize it by dragging the bottom, right corner of the video frame.

As Full-Page activities display the assessor brief within the Documents dropdowns of the Full-Page view, you have the option to remove the activity briefs from the Home Page tabs for assessors.

We have all experienced video drop-outs from time to time due to internet bandwidth or congestion. This is often due to local connection but, occasionally, video providers experience short periods of congestion on their output streams. To minimise the impact of this, we have implemented a second, backup, video provision that can be quickly switched on for the entire centre, or just for selected rooms,

July 2022

For each competency being scored we already have a notes field plus notes boxes for each indicator. We have now added a Notes field before the competencies and a Summary Notes field after the competencies for general notes. These will be included in reports if any data is entered.

All activities can now be setup to use ‘Full-Page’ functionality. This changes the layout and tabs from the traditional setup with scoring and briefs open in different browser tabs to room, briefs and questions/scoring on a single browser tab (screen).

As Full-Page activities display the assessor brief within the Documents dropdowns of the Full-Page view, you have the option to remove the activity briefs from the Home Page tabs for assessors.
Talenscio current time indicator
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